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about the firm

The Sewell Law Firm Battle Ready!

The Sewell Law Firm is Ready for Battle!

When you have been injured in a wreck or other accidents, you need someone that will go to battle for you. The Sewell Law Firm is a proven legal firm whose number one goal is to get you every dollar you truly deserve. Since 1991, The Sewell Law Firm has been serving and defending the rights of clients and their families through some of life’s most challenging times. The Sewell Law Firm is committed to representing and fighting for injury victims’ best interests, giving each client insight into Texas law and their rights.

By examining police records, talking to witnesses, and re-creating the scene of the accident, the team of investigators at The Sewell Law Firm equip themselves with the right information to be your biggest advocate. The firm will act as your liaison with doctors, insurance companies, and the police so you can focus on getting the proper medical care. Often, injuries may not be immediately apparent, so it is crucial to be examined by a doctor. The Sewell Law Firm takes the burden of the legal issues off your shoulders and works directly with the insurance company to negotiate a settlement that can provide the medical care and financial support necessary to facilitate your recovery. If a fair settlement cannot be negotiated, the firm will take your case to court. 

The Sewell Law Firm in Greater Houston is led by The Accident Warrior, Efrem D. Sewell, who serves residents in Bellaire and throughout Greater Houston and surrounding counties. After thousands of clients, Mr. Sewell is more passionate than ever about life and helping people. No matter what the cause, he is there, whether assisting people that have been hurt, injured, or taken advantage of. 


The Sewell Law Firm’s qualifications, courtroom track record, experience, and dedication are here to help with your personal injury case. Mr. Sewell has represented victims of auto accidents in Texas for over 28 years.  He has effectively utilized his experience and dedication to secure many settlements & verdicts on behalf of firm clients.  Whether your case can be resolved at the settlement table or in the courtroom, you should feel assured that The Sewell Law Firm has the proven skills and record to obtain the compensation you deserve.


A major factor in choosing the right firm for your case is considering the amount and type of experience that a legal team has to offer. At The Sewell Law Firm, Mr. Sewell has more than 28 years of legal experience and has worked with more than 10,000 clients.

The Sewell Law Firm is prepared to handle even the most complex cases and do so swiftly with clients’ goals as the first priority. The firm provides extensive insight into the claim process and the ways in which insurance companies compensate victims.


Why Work With The

Sewell Law Firm?

Experience Delivers Results.

Why Work With The Sewell Law Firm?

A major factor in choosing the right firm for your case is considering the amount and type of experience that a legal team has to offer. The Sewell Law Firm has over 28 years of trial experience handling many, many cases from filing to verdict. The Sewell Law Firm will get to know you and your family and spend time getting to know your story and how the injury affected your life.

If you need help, call for a free consultation on your case. Don’t wait! The longer you wait to provide the details of your case, the harder it may be to gather evidence that can work in your favor.

Call The Sewell Law Firm at 713-432-0730 for a FREE consultation or email The Accident Warrior directly at

The Sewell Law Firm
5909 South Loop West
5th Floor, Suite 550
Bellaire, TX 77401

Office: (713) 432-0730

This information provided on Sewell Law Firm website is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues commonly encountered. This information is not intended to create any legal relationship between the Sewell Law Firm or any attorney and the user. Neither the transmission nor receipt of these website materials will create an attorney-client relationship between sender and receiver.