Dog Bite Accident Warrior

have you suffered a dog bite or animal attack?

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the sewell law firm

Houston Dog Bite Attorney

Nearly everyone loves dogs and thinks of them as man’s best friend. Unfortunately, sometimes their bite can cause serious injury to someone.

More than 4 million Americans are victims of dog bites every year. Of those, an estimated 20 percent of victims will require medical attention for their injuries. In addition to the physical trauma that occurs due to the bite itself, sometimes a dog’s bite can spread germs and diseases such as tetanus, rabies or MSRA, which is a serious staph infection.

Dog owners in Houston have a responsibility to keep the public reasonably safe from getting bitten by their pets. Depending on the size and aggressiveness of the dog, these steps can include:

  • Using a leash while walking the dog
  • Keeping the dog contained in the yard using a fence, leash or both
  • Training the dog to heel
  • For some dogs, using a muzzle when in public


How The Sewell Law Firm

Can Help Your Case

A great many victims of dog attacks choose not to file suit because they know the dog owner. However, they should know that such lawsuits don’t actually impact the dog owner because in most cases, the compensation they receive will come from the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance policy.

An experienced personal injury lawyer at the Sewell Law Firm can help the victim of a dog bite recover for their immediate medical treatment for puncture wounds and possible infections. The Sewell Law Firm can also recover for long-term needs, including physical and occupational therapy, reconstructive surgery, and all medical bills associated.The Sewell Law Firm can also help you recover for the cost of psychological counseling if that is necessary.

The Sewell Law Firm has a fully bilingual, Spanish-speaking staff and takes pride in being available 24/7 to answer your call. If you’ve been injured by the negligence of others, call 713-432-0730 or fill out the FREE case consultation form on this page.



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